Monday, October 19, 2009

Friday, October 16

I. Constitution Reviews

The Committee reviewed the American Studies Council of Majors (Academic/Departmental, funded) application for recognition and recommended the organization for approval.

The Committee performed a preliminary review for UMBC Paintball to determine whether it was a sports/recreation club based on its constitution and determined that it was. The group was referred to the Athletics Department for recognition.

II. Constitution Amendments

The Committee reviewed the requested changes to the JSU Constitution and approved the changes.

III. Update to Student Organization Recognition Changes

The Committee reviewed the final list of student organizations that will lose recognition. Those organizations are:

American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Arab Student Union
Baptist Student Ministry
Black Artisits Society
Executive Club
Flaming Chalices
German Club
Green Element, The
Hellenic Association of UMBC
Modeling Club, TMC
Omicron Delta Epsilon
One Voice Ministry
Skydiving Club
Visual Arts COM

III. Membership of Greek Organizations Review

The Committee received updated information regarding fraternity & sorority membership, reviewd its decision from the previous meeting and placed the following two organizations on probation for failure to meet the 5-member rule in accordance with the SGA Student Organizations Policy:

Lambda Theta Alpha
Kappa Alpha Psi

The Committee revoked its earlier decision to place Sigma Gamma Rho on probation as it is currently in compliance with the 5-member rule.

As these organizations are Greek and have additional requirements to become recognized and recruit members, these organizations have until February 15th to reach five members in accordance with the SGA policy.

IV. Review of Table Tennis Club categorization

The Committee reviewed the Table Tennis Club's constitution and talked with its current president to determine if the Sports/Recreation categorization of the club was fitting. The Committee, with the help of the President of the organization, determined the club to be a Hobby club.

V. Committee Work Planning

The Committee discussed its plans for the 2009-10 year and determined that it should review the process to update the Student Organizations Policy.

VI. The Committee welcomed its newest member to ghe board, Rosey.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Friday, October 7, 2009

I. Review Applications for Recognition

The Committee reviewed and recommended the following organization for recognition:
Drumline (funded, arts/performance)

The Committee reviewed the
Apostolic Campus Ministries constitution and recommended clarification on membership requirements.

The Committee reviewed the BJJ/MUAAY Tai MMA Club constitution and determined it to be a sports/recreation club. The organization will need to be recognized by Athletics.

II. Constitution Changes

The Committee reviewed and approved a constitution update to the membership clause for DEVICE. The organization is now a funded (previously restricted-funded) organization.

III. Membership of Greek Organizations Review

The Committee placed the following two organizations on probation for failure to meet the 5-member rule in accordance with the SGA Student Organizations Policy:

Lambda Theta Alpha
Sigma Gamma Rho

As these organizations are Greek and have additional requirements to become recognized and recruit members, these organizations have until February 15th to reach five members in accordance with the SGA policy.

September 28, 2009

I. The Committee Reviewed the registration status of Student Organizations and recommended the following revocation of recognition based on the fact that the organizations are not in compliance with the 5-member rule (not having 5 members/failure to register):

American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Arab Student Union
Baptist Student Ministry
Black Artists Society
Executive club
Flaming Chalices
German Club
Green Element, The
Hellenic Association of UMBC
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Men of Strength (MOST) Club
Modeling Club, The (TMC)
Omicron Delta Epsilon (Economics)
One Voice Campus Ministry
Philosophers Anonymous (Phil Anon)
Skydiving Club
Visual Arts Council of Majors (ArtCOM)

An e-mail was sent to all student organizations on October 9th with additional details.